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Infants education

Brains has been a role model in Infants Education in Madrid and Las Palmas for the past 45 years, thanks to a 100% immersion in English, native teaching staff and following the international curriculum.

Personalised student adaptation

It is of utmost importance to us that the transition from home to school takes place in the smoothest and most peaceful way possible, especially for new families. To achieve this, we make every possible effort for our children to feel at home in school, surrounded by close people and familiar objects, family photos and anything that might help the children integrate and adapt as easily as possible.

School years in Infant Education

Children’s first five years of age are a key stage in the cognitive development and development of their personalities. Personal and intellectual education, as well as a safe and happy childhood, are the base of our Infant education project in all our schools. At Brains, we promote an environment which is socially and emotionally stimulating, and which enables us to meet the needs of our pupils and develop their skills to the full.

Young Learners (1-year-olds)

In Brains, we strongly believe in the benefits of introducing the International Curriculum (100% in English) from the age of 5 months. Our main objective at this stage is to encourage appropriate and gradual progress in our pupils with regard to the various developmental aspects of their psychomotor skills, their relationship with their social and physical environment, and their language acquisition. In order to achieve this, we have a specific psychomotor skills programme, musical stimuli, activities for sensorial development in children, games, songs, storytelling, and many other similar activities, in a comfortable and safe environment where the children begin to discover new situations through experimentation and shared play with their classmates.

Pre-Nursery (2-year-olds)

This is a key stage in language development and the pupils take a great interest in vocabulary and attributes related to the people and objects around them. At this very crucial stage, they enjoy interactive group storytelling, as well as songs, rhymes, etc., which we do with them in English on a daily basis. Their physical development and capacity for movement gives them a feeling of security which enables them to move about, explore and engage with their surroundings, satisfy their curiosity and enhance their social skills. They are also introduced to the world of mathematics, by handling numbers, and experimenting with shapes, sizes and patterns, as well as through everyday tasks such as knowing how old they are, counting how many people are sitting at the table, playing with building blocks, comparing the size of their toys or parts of their body, etc. During this year, they will become young scientists and discover the world through observation and experience, developing a sense for curiosity and a research spirit for the rest of their lives.

Nursery (3-year-olds)

Once we reach upper Infants, we face new challenges. Language development in our 3-year-olds takes a leap forward, which is why they have so much to say. And this is the moment when they begin to be curious about letters, words, etc. Consequently, as part of our education project, we attempt a gradual introduction of the first phonemes in English. This introduction is done in a fun way, accompanied by rhymes which help them to recognise these phonemes, and we begin with the simplest ones in order to identify them. At this significant moment in their language development, the pupils acquire a lot of vocabulary, and for this reason they enjoy the stories, rhymes, and pre-reading-and-writing activities.

The classroom is organised by corners, with activities that combine work on fine motor skills, mathematical concepts, guided or free play, role play, etc.
From the age of 3, we introduce the learning of a second language, French or German, through games, stories and songs, with two periods a week for the chosen language.

Reception (4-year-olds)

This year in Reception, we have gone one step further with our reading programme in English. The pupils learn many more phonemes, and with the teachers’ help, they are able to read simple words which they are familiar with, and which feature in their daily routine. This reading process goes hand in hand with learning to write, and for this reason we continue to work on fine motor skills on a daily basis, using a variety of manipulative activities. This process is so important in our pupils’ cognitive development that we prioritise the pace and personalisation of each child’s learning.

This year we have also introduced chess on a weekly basis, as a complementary activity in our curriculum, to help develop mathematical concepts, and skills such as concentration, visual memory and creativity, etc.


Preparatory (5-year-olds)

In Preparatory, proficiency in English as the language of communication in the classroom is evident, and we also continue to make progress in literacy. As its name indicates, Preparatory is a year of preparation for the transition to Primary, and that is why the pupils will have classroom sessions in order to learn how to read and write in Spanish.

Without forgetting that we are still in Infants, we work in a fun way and the pupils quite naturally acquire the skills they need to read and write, and to successfully cope with Primary. During this year, our pupils also learn Coding & Robotics, using a selection of age-appropriate games and robots. The classes are taught in English, in a fun and intuitive way. Sport is a main pillar in Brains International Schools, so our students have three weekly P.E. lessons which we combine with cooking balanced meals with the best ingredients. This allows us to fulfil our ‘sport+nutrition’ goals and instil in our students the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Full English immersion

One of the major characteristics that differentiates Brains International Schools is the personalised attention we provide for our pupils and their total immersion in English. The areas of learning in our curriculum are taught in English and fall into three main groups: Communication, Language and Literacy; Understanding the World; Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

As well as English, our pupils learn a second language, French or German, which enables their language development to be more competence-based. Learning several languages involves working on cultural aspects that are related to them. We research the traditions, customs and celebrations of other English-speaking countries. This exploration of the world and other countries through language promotes the international mindedness we have defined in our educational model.


Multisensory Stimulation

The Multisensory Stimulation Programme for early ages in our schools favours all areas of the students’ development through their senses, including physical, emotional, language and cognitive areas, among others. We offer ample learning opportunities and an integral development, working on personalised goals and adapting to each of our students’ profiles and characteristics. Lights, textures, sounds or smells, as well as a warm, familiar, relaxing and controlled environment, allow them to experiment, learn and discover the world that surrounds them. This way, they will enhance their creative ability and attention

Teaching Staff

A team of professionals

“Play is the highest form of research” (Albert Einstein).

Rebecca Terry
Infant Teacher

“Passion is my main ingredient; I Believe that it is the catalyst to learn to self ignite and for children to never cease to grow.”

Kathlen Mae Fabre
Profesora de Young Learners

I am a teacher because I had great teachers who inspired me and encouraged my desire to keep learning

Nuria Suárez
Profesora de Preparatory y encargada de lBiblioteca en Brains Conde Orgaz.

“The thing that motivates me is to think that I make a difference whether it’s big or small in a child’s life.”

Claire Earley
Profesora de Nursery

“Soy alegre, divertida, imaginativa y disfruto con todas las actividades sensoriales y psicomotoras que realizo con mis niños.”

Mamen Parra

“I consider myself as being fun, fair and friendly!”

Sabrina Sergo
Profesora de Reception

“¡El equipo perfecto!! Siempre están de buen humor.Hacen que en la piscina tengamos una sonrisa dibujada.”

Mónica Carmona, Patricia Moraga, Eva Alamillo, Miguel Ángel Lázaro y Maribel Gómez
Profesores de natación

“I’m a caring teacher.The thing that I love most about my job is watching the children learn and progress.”

Angie Moloney

“Children are the most precious treasure you can have”

Marta Alonso
Profesora Reception
Molly Vega

“In play children learn how to learn.”

Julia García Muñoz
Profesora de Nursery

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”

Alba Borrego
Profesora de Nursery

” La magia de la vida está en aquello que hace vibrar y latir tu corazón”

Rachel Agudo
Profesora de Preparatory
Sonia McCusker
Profesora de Nursery
Brains Schools

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Brains International School