Home / The 5 foundations of the Brains Method
The 5 foundations of the Brains Method

Our school’s education project focuses on a well-rounded education with our own method: the Brains Method

Education project

The Brains International Schools education project encourages students’ autonomy while interacting with colleagues, meaningful learning and motivation by means of a unique methodology: the Brains Method. This method enables students to acquire all the necessary tools and knowledge for a full personal and work life based on our 5 foundations:

Education project

Values education

Values education is the basis for our students’ training in order to achieve important competencies in life. Our Emotional Intelligence, Values Education and Coexistence Programmes are aimed at educating responsible, committed, tolerant and caring people who will acquire the necessary social and emotional skills to achieve a high level of personal welfare, always respecting oneself, others and the environment.


International education

Internationality is the cornerstone of our Education Project. It allows our students to identify and respect different perspectives from a wide range of disciplines, cultures and values in order to respect themselves and others. We promote a global and open mentality by means of an array of initiatives to discover different countries and cultures.

  • International Education Project for children aged 8 months to 18 years of age.
  • Brains Multilingualism: Education base in English.
  • French and German from the age of 3.
  • Exchange programmes and school trips abroad.
  • Official external exams (Cambridge, DELF, Goethe).

Sport and health

Movement in learning is key in every stage (both for psychomotricity as well as for body expression and creativity) for our students to carry out physical exercise that can improve their physical and mental health, self-esteem and social relations. Thus, they will achieve the necessary autonomy and capacity of reflection to internalise the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

  • Practice daily sport
  • Psychomotricity
  • Curricular swimming
  • Associated teams


Our Educational Innovation Department (DIP) analyses all the technological developments and methodologies to further introduce them in our classrooms, consequently including essential subjects such as computer language in our school curriculum. The teachers are content creators and enhance the students’ innate relationship with technology, allowing them to play an active role in their own learning process and encouraging them to think, believe and question in the most active and motivating way possible.

  • Education Innovation Department (DIP)
  • Latest technology for children aged 3 and above (we opt for technology-free classrooms for our youngest ones)
  • Smart Classes equipped iPads from Primary 1-4
  • iPad Model ‘One to One’ (starting in Primary 5 and throughout Secondary) and MAC Project (Baccalaureate)
  • Curricular robotics and programming, as well as our robotics club

Unique academic formation

Our method is unique. Through collaborative work, we promote an integral education with the help of active methodologies based on our own contents. The teacher is the guide that enhances our students’ talents, focusing on each of their learning styles. Consequently, we train students to overcome any challenge with an open, global mind.

  • Education model: active methodologies, continuing professional training for teachers, personal content, teachers who serve as guides for our personalised projects and a student ‘Maker’ competition.
  • Sensory Development Programme (Snoezelen Philosophy) in Infants
  • Talent Development Programme: Suzuky Philosophy and curricular chess in Infants, curricular theatre class in Primary and interstage choir.
  • Commitment to arts and humanities
  • Conservatory of Music
  • Instrumental Music in Secondary
  • Interstage school garden
  • School Masters in Secondary and Baccalaureate
  • Attention to diversity

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Brains International School