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Brains Family


We are a Private Educational Institution that covers all educational stages and offers excellent academic, technological, sport and language education. Our leading international school prepares students to be integral and competent, capable of responding confidently to change and proud to have been educated in our schools.


At Brains we aim to educate passionate and creative people, balanced, rulers of their own lives, socially aware, drivers for change and with a global mentality that can revitalise the world we live in.


The ethical principles our institution relies on are the ones we try to convey to our students, always trying to set the best example. Every one of our students is the cornerstone of our Brains educational programme, which strongly encourages the values that reflect our principles.

Mission, Vision, Values


Statement of principles


The members of our educational community advocate for a holistic, integrating and well-rounded education as part of the students’ evolution of consciousness and integral view of the world around them, both in the present and in the future.


Our teaching spirit focuses on a full, balanced development of our students’ physical, emotional, intellectual and moral abilities through motivation, with the sole purpose of meeting their knowledge requirements and reaching educational excellence.

International and Intercultural mentality

Tolerance and respect

Positive attitude

Human qualities

Critical thinking, independence and personal balance

Work and teamwork ethic through sport and studies

Solidarity, honesty, resilience and empathy

Environmental awareness


Our principles define us as an institutional group and a family of Brains professionals. They serve as a daily guide and help us set the stage as to how we engage with each other and our environment.

Well-rounded education and development

Our main goal is the student’s integral education and development.


We define ourselves as a secular school, although we offer the opportunity to course Catholic religion.


We teach our students to respect themselves, each other and the rest of the educational community, encouraging values and integrity education.

Physical education

We help our students reach an ideal physical form by practising sport on a daily basis.


We teach our students to become proficient both in English and in a third language.

Active methodology

We make sure our students can access an education that includes technology advances (ICT) and new learning methods that can help improve their cooperation and participation.

Cooperation and collaboration

We teach our students to work actively as a group, as we consider this necessary in today’s society.


Our students are taught to respect and look after their own body, as well as providing the necessary information regarding harmful substances he or she may come across in today’s society (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc.). Thus, learning to refuse any activity or situation that could damage their health or personal integrity.


We deem necessary that the student acquires certain coexistence and tolerance strategies for a more mature and responsible adaptation to society, as well as emotional and social skills to help them reach the highest level of personal and social welfare.

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Brains International School