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IB Diploma (DP)

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is an education programme with its own assessment system (IB Diploma), aimed at students aged 16-18.

International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)

The IB Diploma course is a rigorous, pre-university studies programme that allows students to access both national and international universities. It is designed to train students to be knowledgeable, inquiring, committed, empathic and open-minded, with the ability to assess different situations from an intercultural point of view. This ensures academic and labour mobility, opening doors for our students in universities both in and outside Europe.


The DP curriculum is divided into six groups of subjects and three core subjects: Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) and the Extended Essay.

  • The Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course encourages students to reflect on the nature of knowledge through a critical analysis of the different forms (perception, emotion, language and reason) and types (scientific, artistic, mathematic and historic) of knowledge.
  • In Creativity, Action and Service, students are actively involved in specific projects outside the classroom and learn from this experience. They can carry out activities based on these three components or specific activities for each of them.
  • The Extended essay asks students to engage in independent research through an in-depth study of a question relating to one of the DP subjects they are studying.

The Diploma Programme features three core elements that broaden students’ educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills.

The 6 groups of subjects

Group 1: Studies of Language and Literature

In this group, students study literature (which includes a selection of translated works) and are offered the opportunity to combine these studies with language and performance studies depending on the subjects chosen.

Group 2: Language Acquisition

This group is based on language use and acquisition in a whole variety of contexts and for different purposes, as well as learning about a different culture through its language.

Group 3: Individuals and Societies

The subjects in this group offer the opportunity to develop a critical assessment of human experience and behaviour, of physical, economical and social means used by mankind, and of the history of social and cultural institutions.

Group 4: Experimental Sciences

Students explore concepts, theories, models and techniques, developing their understanding of the scientific method. A compulsory project allows students to assess the environmental, social and ethical impact of science. This exercise is collaborative and interdisciplinary, and offers the opportunity for students to explore scientific solutions to global issues.

Group 5: Mathematics

Group 5 allows our students to develop mathematical knowledge, concepts and principles; to develop logical, critical and creative thinking; and to employ and refine their powers of abstraction and generalisation.

Group 6: The Arts

The subjects in the arts allow a high degree of adaptability to different cultural contexts. In addition, each subject is designed to foster critical, reflective and informed practice, help students understand the dynamic and changing nature of the arts, explore the diversity of arts across time, place and cultures, and express themselves with confidence and competence.

Proven benefits of the IB Diploma Programme

There are many benefits to choosing the DP. The programme aims to develop students who have excellent breadth and depth of knowledge – students who flourish physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically:

  • The DP offers a balanced educational programme that combines breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding of the different subjects through the programme’s unique theory of knowledge course.
  • Fosters an international mind-set based on their own language and culture.
  • Instils in students a positive attitude towards learning that will prepare them for higher education.
  • Has an outstanding reputation for its rigorous methods of external assessment based on standards that apply globally, guaranteeing recognition by universities all over the world.
  • Focuses on the student’s physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical development.

10 razones para estudiar el IB Diploma


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