Brains International School
Welcome to Brains Arturo Soria
Arturo Soria, Madrid | María Lombillo 5 - 28027 Madrid

Private school in Arturo Soria

Brains Arturo Soria is an international school in the Arturo Soria area of Madrid that teaches every subject in English except Spanish language and mathematics. Our classes are equipped with the latest educational technology. Our students grow up having fun and enjoying our different playgrounds.

New Passivhaus Building

Brains Arturo Soria es un colegio sostenible que utiliza los recursos de la arquitectura bioclimática para proteger el medio ambiente. Enfocado en el ahorro energético, este edificio es capaz de renovar el aire automáticamente cuando los niveles de CO2 aumentan, acrecentando el confort, la capacidad de concentración de los alumnos y evitando la somnolencia.
Además, cuenta también con espacios de aprendizaje versátiles, tanto interiores como exteriores. Un buen ejemplo de ello es que una planta entera está dedicada a la construcción, mantenimiento y cuidado de un jardín natural que será 100% responsabilidad de los propios alumnos, fomentando en ellos el respeto por la naturaleza y por el planeta.

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Evolution and development

Primary Years Programme (PYP)

In Brains Arturo Soria, PYP plays a key role. This international programme, taught in English (with the exception of Spanish Language and Mathematics), prepares students to be more active, respectful, supportive and hungry to learn for the rest of their lives.

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Brains education

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We practise all different aspects of music in a fun way, providing all the necessary tools for our students to enjoy, create and understand the artistic language. We will sing, dance, play instruments, read music, practise active listening and discover the historical and cultural aspects of music without overlooking new technologies.

French and German

Firstly, we focus on speaking so our students can understand the language and communicate abroad. After Primary 4, we also include writing, which enables students to form more complex sentences and understand the language structure. All lessons are practical, communicative and recreational.


Our student choir carry out voice training exercises aimed at voice projection and correction in order to prepare and perform a repertoire at the school functions.


Students will focus on theatrical aspects, script approach, body language, voice projection, diction, positioning, costumes, staging, rehearsals, stage fright, etc. In addition, they will work on choreography and prepare a play for the school end-of-year party.

Coding and robotics

This activity focuses on robotics and programming applied to robotics, drones, etc. Students will discover electronic badges like Arduino, combining electronics and computer programming. We will also work on design, including digital worlds, augmented reality, and 3D printing and design.


KIVA is an anti-bullying programme implemented in all educational stages. Not only does it focus on the key players of the conflict, but also on those who witness, allow or encourage it.

Cross training

We will carry out different workouts in a specialised Box, combining gymnastics (rings, handstands, balance), weightlifting and metabolic training.

Dante Book Club

Every month we launch a reading challenge and students meet in the Library to exchange different views on the books chosen. Reading opens your mind, feeds your soul, fills you with joy and excitement; and we wish to make it a part of our students’ lives.  


Fully Equipped


Our school classrooms are spacious, fitted with the latest technology and natural lighting. All our students benefit from these open spaces in their curricular and extracurricular activities.

Playgrounds and outdoor facilities

Brains Arturo Soria has separate playgrounds for different age groups. We have an area specially tailored to the needs of our youngest students, with swings and pressed rubber floors. Our Primary and Secondary students can enjoy our outdoor sports facilities and basketball courts.


A space for experimental science, where students can appreciate the advantages of scientific methodology and put theoretical concepts into practice, analysing and verifying every step of their research projects. 


This is an essential area of our international educational programme. Open to all our Brains community, the library is a space where information and books are available to everyone. Guided reading, free reading, teamwork and individual study sessions make our library an ideal multi-tasking environment.

Organic garden

Our garden aims to raise environmental awareness, encourage healthy eating habits and promote a cooperation mentality. Students will witness the plants’ growing and experience this process first hand.

Climbing wall

Climbing offers students the chance to acquire a wide variety of motor skills and a sense of effectiveness.

Discover the fees for the school year 2024/2025

Department of Healthy habits

At Brains, we are committed to the well-being of our entire educational community, from pupils to families and employees. This is why our teaching centres have a Department of Healthy Habits, which aims to ensure that the school environment is conducive to health, providing cross-curricular education on issues such as diet, rest, physical activity, sustainability, use of electronic devices, hygiene, etc. The aim is that we become more aware in terms of our choices and routines.
The Department operates at different levels in order to create a smooth mechanism that encourages future generations to adopt a more appropriate lifestyle and avoid undesirable health consequences, which in many cases are preventable if action is taken in early childhood.
At the institutional level, audits are carried out to evaluate a whole set of parameters that make the school a healthy environment: the dining room, quality checks and controls on the menus, areas available for games and activities, infrastructures, activities on offer, the promotion of sport, initiatives to support the environment, and much more.
With regard to our students, during their educational career at Brains they will take part in various information workshops, coordinated between their tutor group periods and different curricular subjects, with activities and projects that will make them actively aware of how our choices, and as a result our habits, can determine our physical and mental well-being.
The work that is done at home is also essential, and therefore families will receive complementary information, and activities related to these workshops to complete with their children, as well as being able to take part in information workshops designed specifically for them. In addition, all those who want to learn more from a team of qualified health professionals, will have a platform at their disposal, with access to the school for families (videos), informative articles, and support tools and resources that provide them with a constant stream of advice. It will also enable them to communicate directly with the Department if they have any sort of individual query.

Apple Distinguished School

One of the most important characteristics of the Brains International School Group has always been its ability to remain a benchmark in the field of educational innovation. This year, thanks to the unity and homogeneity of the educational project that exists in all Brains schools, Apple has awarded the Apple Distinguished School distinction and certification to the entire institution, making it one of the first in the world to obtain such recognition.

More Information

Brains Store

Our new online shop Brains Store is available for the purchase of school uniforms. Shortly, it will also be possible to buy books, sports equipment and all the school supplies you will need during the school year.

The payment of your purchases through the online shop will be made via virtual POS. If the order is placed in the physical shop, you can choose, as before, between payment by POS or by direct debit to the account we have registered with you already.

Regarding the delivery of your orders, we inform you that you will have the option of home delivery or pickup at our physical store located within the Brains La Moraleja school. The store’s customer service hours will be from 8:30 to 9:30 in the morning and from 16:00 to 17:30 in the afternoon, Monday to Friday.

Brains Store

Brains Warrior Kids

“Brains Warrior Kids” began its adventure in 2019 as part of the Physical Education curriculum for 4th to 6th-grade students at Brains Arturo Soria. It is an innovative and highly motivating sports practice focused on cardiovascular, strength, and OCR (obstacle course technique) training. The activity is structured through circuits and training systems tailored to each student and level. This activity provides the necessary conditions for students to develop and enhance their physical abilities, combining training with the essential fun component of any sport.

The main goal of Brains Warrior Kids is to understand and overcome obstacles by introducing innovative elements and training, ensuring students enjoy themselves and become true “warriors,” ready to face new challenges with the confidence and security instilled by the Japanese ethical code of “Bushido” and the seven virtues of the Way of the Warrior.

The activity will be complemented by competitions such as the Farinato Race, one of the most important obstacle races in the country, internal leagues, sports events, participation in national obstacle races, “family” sports days, and even the potential opening of an adult group as an extracurricular activity.

Perfil Instagram:

Being a Director at Brains, a solid institution with values, is having the opportunity to be part of something as big as the education of our students. It is in our hands to help them to be, not the best in the world, but the best for the world. From my previous stage as Psychopedagogical Counsellor, and currently as Director, I can confirm that at Brains International Schools we know that each one of our students is different, and for this reason we offer training full of possibilities that allows them to discover and develop their full potential, to that they finish their educational stage with an excellent preparation, which will accompany them in their academic and personal future

Candy Hernández Albarrán

Directora Brains International School Arturo Soria

Actividades extraescolares en Madrid (zona Arturo Soria)


Starting in Primary 3. Our club provides qualified coaches for all ages. B-R-A-I-N-S Methodology (Ball, Rapidity, Attack, Intelligence, Nobility, Solidarity).

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Chess encourages self-discipline and concentration, promotes logical and formal thinking, and enhances reasoning skills.

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The main objective of our workshop is that every student develops artistic skills to suit their personal abilities.
Promoting creativity and observation in a dynamic way, through the study of the main techniques of graphic-plastic expression.

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Our main goal is to develop core competences in education. We’ll learn through play, as having fun is always the main feature in our judo practice.

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We offer children (aged 3 and above) and teens and the chance to take on music studies or develop their skills in an instrument while making learning fun.

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We focus on fostering our students’ passion for modern dance while
they learn different dance styles.

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Our academy teaches ballet classes two days a week for children aged 4 and above. We offer amateur lessons for all ages and professional lessons in the evenings.

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Debate Club

La motivación principal para crear esta actividad es enseñar a los alumnos a desarrollar las habilidades sociales adecuadas de oratoria, debate y opinión; así como entrenarles en aquellas aptitudes que les serán necesarias en su futuro personal y profesional.

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The Brains CEDE team (Centre for Educational Stimulus and Development), with an approach geared towards preventative and educational stimuli in early childhood, focuses its interventions on the student’s overall development and provides support to the families during this process.

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Brains Warriors

2 días a la semana en sesiones de 1h.

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Kumon English: listening comprehension, vocabulary, writing, grammar, reading comprehension.
Kumon Matemáticas: to master mathematics and acquire autonomy and confidence.
Kumon Lectura: to develop a high reading

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Speech Therapy

The Department of Speech Therapy offers a stimulation and intervention service to help students overcome difficulties that may appear at some point in their school life in the areas of language and communication.

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Creatro is a creative zone for students to improve their acting abilities, their social skills and their overall confidence using English.

Throughout the course, students will improve the 4 key language-learning skills: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.

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Public Speaking
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Digital Illustration
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Aereal Silks
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Discover our camps

Easter Camp

Join us this Easter to have the time of a lifetime here at Brains International School Easter Camp. Find out more before you lose your place!
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Summer Camp

The Summer Camp in Brains Arturo Soria is the best opportunity for your children to enjoy an unforgettable summer without leaving Madrid.
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Ski Camp

Come and enjoy kilometres of snow with your friends, a unique experience with the help of qualified professionals. Sign up now!
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Brains International School